
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training for Resilience Building

Start using MBCT to soothe stress and anxiety, gain focus and build resilience.

In 2018, a YouGov poll found that 74% of people have felt so stressed they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

There’s a reality that modern life is stressful. Many people experience stress related challenges in both their work and personal relationships.

The MBCT programme is one of the most effective forms of mindfulness training that exists. It has huge amounts of evidence supporting its usefulness in helping with depression, stress, anxiety, focus, better sleep, building resilience and burnout.

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Dr Collard has been offering the MBCT Programme since its creation in 2002 and is an expert in making this life-changing programme accessible and instantly applicable to your life.

'I think calmness is crucial, especially in today's hectic society. I've been doing MBCT for 6 months now, and I've seen the benefits it can bring to my well-being.

MBCT helps to boost your resilience and improves your ability to cope with day-to-day stress. With the help of MBCT, it's easier to maintain the calmness in your life and to remain centred no matter what situation you find yourself in.'

- Previous Participant


Mindfulness is a practice, when you commit to it you'll be able to manage negative emotions, not dwell on the past, and focus on where your life is really happening: here and now in the present moment.

Unfortunately, we can't just snap out of anxiety or stop stress, but luckily there are ways to reduce it. If you would like to do so for your life, then get in touch now, and we can get you started.